Execution Module ================================================== This module stores values specific to a test file execution. These values should be read-only, modifying them can cause errors. Location: golem.**execution** **Example:** test.py ``` from golem import execution from golem.browser import open_browser def test(data): print('Running test:', execution.test_name) open_browser() execution.browser.navigate('http://...') execution.logger.info('log this message') ``` ## test_file Module path of the current test file, relative to the tests folder. ## browser The current active browser object. None if there is no open browser yet. ## browser_definition The browser definition passed to this test. ## browsers A dictionary with all the open browsers. ## data The data object. ## secrets The secrets data object. ## description The description of the test. ## settings The settings passed to this test. ## test_dirname The directory path where the test is located. ## test_path Full path to the test file. ## project_name Name of the project. ## project_path Path to the project directory. ## testdir Golem root directory. ## execution_reportdir Path for the execution report. ## testfile_reportdir Path for the test file report ## logger Test logger object. ## tags The list of tags passed to the execution. ## environment Name of the environment passed to the test. None is no environment was selected. ## Values for each test function ### test_name Current test function name. ### steps Steps collected by the current test function. ### errors A list of errors collected by the test function. ### test_reportdir Path for the test function report. ### timers A dictionary with timers, used by the *timer_start* and *timer_stop* actions.