Suites ================================================== A suite can execute a set of tests with the specified configuration. A suite contains a list of *tests*, *browsers*, and *environments* and the number of *processes*, and *tags*. Consider the following example: **** ```python browsers = ['firefox', 'chrome'] environments = [] processes = 2 tags = [] tests = [ 'test1', 'test2', 'some_folder.test3', ] ```


This suite will execute all marked tests, once per each browser, environment and test set

### Test Parallelization The 'processes = 2' tells Golem how many tests should be executed at the same time. The default is one (one at a time). How many tests can be parallelized depends on your test infrastructure. ### Environments Environments are defined in the environments.json file inside a project. See [Environments](test-data.html#environments).