Settings ================================================== Settings are defined in the settings.json file. They modify certain Golem behaviors. There is a global settings.json file and a project settings.json file. Note: project settings override global settings. ## Setting List ### search_timeout Default time to wait looking for an element until it is present. Default is 20 seconds. ### wait_displayed Wait for elements to be present and displayed. Default is False. ### screenshot_on_error Take a screenshot on error by default. Default is True. ### screenshot_on_step Take a screenshot on every step. Default is False. ### screenshot_on_end Take a screenshot after 'test' function ends. Default is False. ### highlight_elements Highlight elements on the screen when found. Default is False ### test_data The location to store test data. Options are: 'infile' and 'csv'. Default is 'csv.'. With 'test_data' = 'infile' data is stored inside the test file as a list of dictionaries. With 'test_data' = 'csv' data is stored in a csv file in the same folder of the test and with the same name, e.g.: /tests/ -> /tests/test1.csv ### wait_hook Custom wait method to use for every action, that can be specific to each application. It must be defined inside ### default_browser Define the driver to use unless overriden by the -b/--browsers flag. Default is 'chrome'. The valid options are listed [here](browsers.html#valid-options). ### chromedriver_path Path to the Chrome driver executable. ### edgedriver_path Path to the Edge driver executable. ### geckodriver_path Path to the Gecko driver executable. ### iedriver_path Path to the Internet Explorer driver driver executable. ### operadriver_path Path to the Opera driver executable. ### opera_binary_path The path to the Opera binary file. Used to fix "Error: cannot find Opera binary" error. ### remote_url The URL to use when connecting to a remote webdriver, for example, when using selenium grid. Default is 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub' ### remote_browsers Defines a list of remote browsers with its capabilities, required to run tests with Selenium Grid or another remote device provider. The minimum capabilities required are 'browserName', 'version' and 'platform', read [this]( for more info. Example: settings.json ``` { "remote_browsers": { "chrome_60_mac": { "browserName": "chrome", "version": "60.0", "platform": "macOS 10.12" }, "firefox_56_windows": { "browserName": "firefox", "version": "56.0", "platform": "Windows 10" } } } ``` ### implicit_actions_import Import golem.actions module implicitly to the tests. Modifies test saving behavior when using the GUI test builder. Default is true. ### implicit_page_import Import pages implicitly to the test from a list of strings. When true, imported pages are saved as a list of strings. When false, import statements are used instead. Default is true. ### screenshots Modify screenshot format, size, and quality before saving to disk. Requires Pillow to be installed. It must be installed separately: ```pip install pillow``` It should be an object with the following attributes: format, quality, width, height, and resize * **format**: "jpg" or "png". The default is "png". * **quality**: an int in 1..95 range. The default is 75. This only applies to "jpg" files. * **width**: defines the width of screenshots. If "height" is not set, this will maintain the aspect ratio. * **height**: defines the height of screenshots. If "width" is not set, this will maintain the aspect ratio. * **resize**: the percentage to resize screenshots. Must be int or string in the format "55" or "55%". To resize by percentage do not set width or height. Example: ```JSON { "screenshots": { "format": "jpg", "quality": 50, "resize": 70 } } ``` ### cli_log_level command line log level. Options are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. Default is INFO. ### log_all_events Log all events or just Golem events. Default is true. ### start_maximized Start the browser maximized. Default is true.