

golem-admin createdirectory <name>

Used to generate a new test directory. Name must be a relative or absolute path for the new test directory. Use ‘.’ to use the current directory.



The command to run tests or suites from the command line:

golem run <project> <test|suite|directory> [-b|--browsers]
          [-p|--processes] [-e|--environments] [-t|--tags]
          [-i|--interactive] [-r|--report] [--report-folder]
          [--report-name] [-l|--cli-log-level][--timestamp] 

-b, --browsers

One or more browsers to use for the tests. If not provided, the browsers defined inside the suite or the default browser defined in settings will be used. The valid options are listed here.

-p, --processes

The number of tests to run in parallel. The default is 1.

-e, --environments

The environments to use for the execution. If not provided, the environments defined inside the suite will be used.

-t, --tags

Filter the tests by tags.

Example, run all tests with tag “smoke”:

golem run project_name . --tags smoke

Or using a tag expression:

golem run project suite --tags "smoke and (regression or not 'release 001')"

-i, --interactive

Run the test in interactive mode. This is required for the interactive_mode and set_trace actions.

See Interactive Mode

-r, --report

Select which reports should be generated at the end of the execution. Options are: junit, html, html-no-images, and json


Absolute path to the generated reports. The default is /<testdir>/projects/<project>/resports/<suite>/<timestamp>


Name of the generated reports. The default is ‘report’

-l, --cli-log-level

command line log level. Options are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. Default is INFO.


Used by the execution. Optional. The default is auto-generated with the format: ‘’


golem gui [--host -p|--port -d|--debug]

Start Golem Web Module (GUI). Default host is (localhost). Use host to make the GUI publicly accessible. Default port is 5000. Debug runs the application in debug mode, default is False. Do not run in debug mode on production machines.

See GUI - Web Module for more info.


golem createproject <project name>

Creates a new project with the given name. Creates the base files and folders.


golem createtest <project name> <test name>

Creates a new test inside the given project.


golem createsuite <project name> <suite name>

Creates a new suite inside the given project.


golem createuser [-u|--username -e|email -p|--password -n|--noinput]

Create a new superuser. The command is interactive unless username and password are provided. Email is optional.



webdriver-manager update -b chrome

To learn more about the Webdriver Manager see: