Test Framework

Test File

A test file contains one or more tests (functions that start with ‘test’)

Test files also can have the setup and teardown hooks:


A function that is executed before every test of a test file.


A function that is executed after all tests even if there were exceptions or errors.


description = 'the description for my test'

pages = ['login', 'menu', 'releases']

def setup(data):

def test(data):
    data.store('release_name', 'release_001')

def teardown(data):

Test Results

The test can end with one of the following result statuses:

Success: The test run without any errors.

Failure: The test threw an AssertionError.

Possible reasons for a test to end with failure:

  • Actions that start with ‘assert_’.

    actions.assert_title('My App Title')
  • A call to fail() action.

    actions.fail('this is a failure')
  • A normal Python assert statement.

    assert browser.title == 'My App Title', 'this is the incorrect title'


The test had at least one error. Possible reasons for errors:

  • Actions that start with ‘verify_’.

  • An error added manually:

    actions.error('my error message')

Code error:

Any exception that is not an AssertionError will mark the test as ‘code error’.



def test(data):
   send_keys('#button', 'there is something missing here'
>golem run project1 test1
17:55:25 INFO Test execution started: test1
17:55:25 ERROR SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\...\testdir\projects\project1\tests\test1.py"
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
17:55:25 INFO Test Result: CODE ERROR

Assertions and Verifications

Soft Assertions

Every action that starts with “verify” is a soft assertion, meaning that the error will be recorded. The test will be marked as ‘error’ at the end, but the test execution will not be stopped.

Hard Assertions

Every action that starts with “assert” is a hard assertion, meaning that it will stop the test execution at that point. The teardown method will still be executed afterward.

Assertion Actions Example


  • It adds an error to the error list
  • Logs the error to console and to file
  • Takes a screenshot if screenshot_on_error setting is True
  • The test is not stopped.
  • The test result will be: ‘error’


  • An AssertionError is thrown
  • It adds an error to the list
  • Logs the error to console and to file
  • Takes a screenshot if screenshot_on_error setting is True
  • The test is stopped, jumps to teardown function
  • The test result will be: ‘failure’