Running tests

Run a single test

A test file can be run using the file path or the test module path. In both cases it should be relative to the tests folder.

golem run project_name test_name
golem run project_name
golem run project_name folder.test_name
golem run project_name folder/

Run a suite

Similar to a test, a suite can be run using the file path or the test module path. In both cases it should be relative to the suites folder.

golem run project_name suite_name
golem run project_name
golem run project_name folder.suite_name
golem run project_name folder/

Run every test in a directory

To select all the tests in a directory and subdirectories a relative path can be supplied. The path has to be relative to the tests folder.

golem run project_name folder/

Run every test in a project

golem run project_name .

Select Browsers

golem run project suite -b chrome firefox

Every selected test will be run for each of the selected browsers. The browsers can also be defined inside a suite. If no browser is set, the default defined in settings will be used. The valid options for browsers are listed here.

Run Tests in Parallel

To run test files in parallel the number of processes must be set to more than 1. This can be done through the golem run command or by the processes attribute of a suite.

golem run project suite_name -p 3

Select Environments

Select which environments to use for a test execution:

golem run project suite -e internal staging

Filter Tests by Tags

The selected tests for an execution can be filtered by tags.

golem run project suite -t smoke "release 42.11.01"

Multiple tags are always used with and operator. To use a combination of and, or, and not, a tag expression must be used:

golem run project suite -t "smoke and (regression or not 'release 001')"